Acne to g l o w®


Step by step method, teaching skin professionals how to treat the cause of acne internally with Naturopathic Medicine, allowing your clients to finally g l o w from the inside out.



Can you imagine…..


Explaining to your client, that their gut, hormones and liver health all contribute to their acne. 

Confidently treating the cause of acne internally with nutrition, supplementation and Herbal Medicine. 

Understanding why your clients acne returns after they take prescribed medications (doxycycline, roaccutane, oral contraceptive pill) and how to treat acne without harmful medication. 

Changing your clients skin, overall health and lives forever.

Having all your recommendations legitimised by a specialised Acne Naturopath and client take home fact sheets ready to go. 


You would feel


  • Confident that you are treating the cause of acne with Naturopathic Medicine internally.
  • More professional, positioning yourself as the ‘go to’ holistic acne clinic, specialising in aesthetic naturopathy.
  • Relaxed knowing you can focus on your favourite parts of your profession, without being overwhelmed and bombarded with conflicting information.
  • Empowered, knowing you are changing peoples lives and supporting them to trust their bodies ability to clear acne naturally, without taking harmful medications with long term side effects. 

Are you ready to become an ADVANCED Acne to g l o w® Certified Practitioner?

Achieving these goals is easier said than done….


I get it, but maybe you….


  • Feel like you only have a limited amount of time. 
  • Second guess the nutritional, supplementation advice you give to your acne clients. 
  • Want to refer to a skincare Naturopath but also want to see your client back.
  • Want a simple, step by step, method outlining how to treat acne internally while referring to a Naturopath, when your client needs 1:1 support. 
  • Are ready to take your business to the next level as a professional holistic clinic.  
  • Are tired of being overwhelmed and not seeing the results on your clients skin, that are possible when your client also treats acne internally.  

Here is the Truth


It does not have to be this way and for the first time in the skincare industry, there is another way:


What if I told you that, I can teach you exactly how Naturopaths treat the cause of acne, allowing you to actively work in collaboration with Expert Acne Naturopaths achieving your clients dream skin and health goals.

So many skin therapists feel unsure about giving nutritional advice, recommending supplements, diagnosing skin conditions and do the right thing and refer on to a Naturopath or Dermatologist……. and never see their client again. Leaving money on the table, even though they did the right thing. 

What if you were educated to give nutritional advice, understand what nutritional deficiencies your client may have and what area within the body is causing your clients acne. While working alongside Acne Naturopath's who can prescribe high strength practitioner only supplements and work like aesthetic detectives to not only treat the root cause of acne but do so in a safe, simple yet effective manner.

"I am so grateful for Hayley and her abundance of knowledge. I have not felt this amazing in a long time!"



ADVANCED Acne to g l o w®

 The step by step method teaching skin professionals how to treat the cause of acne from the inside out and outside in. Learn actionable treatments, allowing you to offer nutritional guidance, understand what supplements/foods are necessary to correct nutritional deficiencies and position yourself as the ‘go to Holistic Acne Clinic’. A leader in the field of aesthetic Naturopathy. 

Proven Roadmap

With over 12 years experience and treating the cause of hundreds of clients acne, you are in safe hands. I will provide just enough detail for you to understand aesthetic Naturopathy without over loading you. 

Client Fact Sheets

With so much conflicting information out there, we provide simple science based take home fact sheets for your clients. Improving compliance and educating your client about the cause of their acne. 

Private Community

Feel supported by a community of like minded skin professionals,  treating the cause of acne internally. This community is like no other and specific to treating acne naturally, achieving powerful results without harsh side effects. 

Self Pace Training

Learn how to treat acne internally at your own pace, with life time access, plus access to all future updates. So you can take your time and also skip to the modules you require help with right now in your clinic. 


I know the Acne to 

g l o w® method works


I am living proof and so many of my clients skin transformations are also living proof.  My personal long term struggle with acne was the reason I waned to study to become a Naturopath.


Not only did I treat the cause of my acne finally after trying EVERYTHING but I was able to see the bigger picture between my skin, health and physical health.


Realising and understanding that my body was whole and all connected was a pivotal moment for me in my life as I literally witnessed the power of Holistic Medicine smack bang right in front of my eyes, on my face as my acne cleared.  

Acne is more than a skin condition, it is a sign your clients body requires support internally

In this course you will learn


How to treat the cause of your clients acne internally, allowing your clients to achieve the skin and health goals of their dreams. 


  • How to interpret the Acne Face Map.
  • How to look for nutritional deficiencies. 
  • What foods promote acne free, glowing skin.
  • Why using oils in your skincare ritual is essential.
  • Why retinoids are not needed to treat acne.
  • Why excess oestrogen, testosterone and insufficient amounts of progesterone lead to acne.
  • How food allergies/intolerances contribute to acne.
  • What good fats are essential to ingest for clear skin.
  • Why food combining, to control blood glucose levels is essential.
  • What androgens are and how stress leads to acne.
  • How acne medication makes your clients skin worse.
  • The importance of a healthy menstrual cycle for clear skin and what to do if your clients cycle is inconsistent.
  • How to support healthy liver detoxification for clear skin with food as Medicine and specfic nutrients/Herbal Medicine. 
  • How the gut and skin are connected and what foods to eat to promote a healthy microbiome.
  • The difference between ‘pre’biotics and ‘pro’biotics.
  • How to support your nervous system.
  • How to understand the lymphatic system, and why it is essential for all women with acne, to support the health of their lymphatic system for LONG TERM acne free skin.


Take your acne clients from frustrated and dissapointed to…..


  • Clear, glowing skin and feeling the healthiest they have ever felt. 
  • Feeling confident in their own skin. 
  • Living their dream life, in their dream skin. 
  • Excited to learn more about the skins connection to gut, hormones, liver, nervous and lymphatic health.
  • A feeling of relief, that a weight has been lifted off their shoulders and they no longer need to live with acne anxiety. 
  • Dedicated loyal clients, thankful for your dedicated and passion to heal the cause of their acne internally/externally. 

Are you ready to treat the cause of Acne internally?


"I am so pumped to be working with Hayley. I am looking forward to taking my health and skin to the next level, naturally. If you are all about supporting your health and wellness naturally plus believe that 'food is our medicine', and follow @skincare_academy_, she is AMAZING. Hayley is a super passionate practitioner who professionally walks alongside her clients guiding them to discover what the root cause of their acne is while treating each client as an individual." Xx


"Since starting Acne to g l o w® I have not had any serious inflamed and cystic spots. Can't wait to continue and see more results! I definitely feel more confident in my skin which is crazy! Thank you so much and now I can not wait for summer and to plan loads of fun things with friends. Before I would have already been worrying about my skin being bad."

And there is more!

When you enrol, and pay in full you will receive this amazing bonus COURSE:

Bonus #1

AASTG™️ - Advanced Acne Scarring to g l o w™️


Entire seperate course, teaching you step by step, how to treat your clients acne scarring internally, remodelling dermal scaffolding with Herbal Medicine, Collagen and Nutritional Medicine. 

Value $897 AUD

Enrol in Advanced Acne to g l o w® 



Savings of $1,226

  • Immediate Access to ADVANCED Acne to g l o w® 
  • Lifetime Access - to updates as well
  • Private FB group support
  • Access to High Strength/quality 'Practitioner' Only Products'/supplements.
  • Access to Collaborating with Expert Acne Naturopaths  
  • #1 BONUS COURSE: ADVANCED Acne Scarring to g l o w™️ (Value $897) 

3 Monthly Payments of


  • Immediate Access to ADVANCD Acne to g l o w® 
  • Lifetime Access - to updates as well
  • Private FB group support
  • Access to High Strength/quality 'Practitioner' Only Products'/supplements.
  • Access to Collaborating with Expert Acne Naturopaths  

✗ #1 BONUS COURSE: ADVANCED Acne Scarring to g l o w™️(Value $897)


6 Monthly Payments of


  • Immediate Access to ADVANCD Acne to g l o w® 
  • Lifetime Access - to updates as well
  • Private FB group support
  • Access to High Strength/quality 'Practitioner' Only Products'/supplements.
  • Access to Collaborating with Expert Acne Naturopaths  

✗ #1 BONUS COURSE: ADVANCED Acne Scarring to g l o w™️(Value $897)


Meet your teacher


Hi, I'm Hayley


Acne client of 10 years, turned Acne Naturopath, Nutritionist and Herbal Medicine Practitioner and Educator, ADVANCED Acne to g l o w® creator and Founder of the Skincare Academy.

It is my passion practicing as an Aesthetic Naturopath, treating the cause of women's Acne internationally. This passion quickly turned into an online clinic and then online courses.  

I have over 12 years of experience, two degrees in Natural Medicine and years of clinical experience in the field of Aesthetic Naturopathy, which is why I am so excited to teach Skin professionals how to treat the cause of acne internally. 

I love teaching as education is absolutely key for clients to achieve long term, clear skin and thriving health, which is why I have packaged up everything you need to know inside AATG™️. 

I cannot wait to help you and your clients, treat the cause of acne. Allowing your clients to finally achieve the skin of their dreams.  As a skincare professional, you can have it all: clients experiencing results they never knew possible, a thriving Holistic ‘go to’ Skincare Clinic and client base, collaborate with Expert Acne Naturopaths to change the entire skincare industry and how professionals view treating acne internally. 

But it was not always this way….


Suffering with acne, since the age of 13. I tried everything to 'fix' my acne - antibiotics, proactiv, diet changes, the pill and even roaccutane. I was desperate to wake up one day with no acne. I spent over $50,000 in treatments, medications and clinical grade skincare to treat my acne. Little did I know that these 'treatments', were just bandaid solutions and treating my acne had to be done internally. I knew what I know now.... WOW.....things would have been very different and I would have saved myself a lot of STRESS, MONEY, MOOD SWINGS, ENERGY and TIME.

It wasn't until I really understood my skin and what my body needed to thrive, for me to treat the cause of my acne. 

To then FINALLY treat the cause of my acne, holistically, was LIFE CHANGING. To then treating patients with acne in clinical practice, to then creating the Acne to g l o w® method from years of research, tertiary study, personal and professional experience.

The AATG™️ method, 12 years in the making is what I am teaching you in this course, so you can teach your clients how to treat the cause of their acne from the inside out.  

I believe Skin Professionals have a very important role to play in educating acne clients, about the importance of treating the cause of their acne internally for long term results, as well as treating the skin externally which is why I am extra excited to teach the AATG™️ method in this course internationally. 

This is for you:


✓ Skincare Therapist
✓ Beauty Therapist
✓ Dermal Therapist
✓ Aesthetician
✓ Cosmetic Nurses
✓ Corneotherapists
✓ Understand your clients would benefit from treating the cause of their acne internally. 
✓ You do not feel confident, explaining how acne is a result of poor gut, hormone, liver, lymphatic, nervous system health. 
✓ You are over referring to a Naturopath for every client you wish to provide nutritional guidance too. 
✓ However you want to refer to a Naturopath you can trust, for your acne clients with hormonal or gut health issues but want to see your client back again. 
✓ You are interested and passionate about the future of Holistic Skincare & Aesthetic Naturopathy.
✓ You are ready to be positioned as the ‘go to’ Holistic Acne Clinic.

This is not for you if:


✗ You inject botox or fillers & clients have received botox or filler, in the past 6 weeks.
✗ You do not want to collaborate with Expert Acne Naturopaths.
✗ You are not open to learning about treating the cause of acne internally and prefer to solely use skincare and external treatments only.
✗ You have a hobby skincare/beauty business. 
✗ You are a skincare product only based business, with no service based business or physical clinic(s).
✗ You do not believe the right nutrition, can treat acne. 
✗ You are a dedicated vegan therapist. 

Upon enrolment


You will have immediate access to all course content including:


✓  8 Modules & Video Lessons. 

✓ Private Facebook Group Support. 

✓  Downloadable worksheets.

✓  Client Take Home Guides. 

 ✓  Helpful Links/Resources. 

✓  Lifetime Access Across all Devices.



Are you ready to see your clients with clear, glowing skin and your business thrive?

Enrol in Advanced Acne to g l o w® 



Savings of $1,226

  • Immediate Access to ADVANCED Acne to g l o w® 
  • Lifetime Access - to updates as well
  • Private FB group support
  • Access to High Strength/quality 'Practitioner' Only Products'/supplements.
  • Access to Collaborating with Expert Acne Naturopaths  
  • #1 BONUS COURSE: ADVANCED Acne Scarring to g l o w™️ (Value $897) 

3 Monthly Payments of


  • Immediate Access to ADVANCD Acne to g l o w® 
  • Lifetime Access - to updates as well
  • Private FB group support
  • Access to High Strength/quality 'Practitioner' Only Products'/supplements.
  • Access to Collaborating with Expert Acne Naturopaths  

✗ #1 BONUS COURSE: ADVANCED Acne Scarring to g l o w™️(Value $897)


6 Monthly Payments of


  • Immediate Access to ADVANCD Acne to g l o w® 
  • Lifetime Access - to updates as well
  • Private FB group support
  • Access to High Strength/quality 'Practitioner' Only Products'/supplements.
  • Access to Collaborating with Expert Acne Naturopaths  

✗ #1 BONUS COURSE: ADVANCED Acne Scarring to g l o w™️(Value $897)


Let’s dive deeper


What to expect from ADVANCED Acne to glow®:


  • Treating the cause of acne made simple. We breakdown complex biochemistry, Naturopathic philosophy and clinical research into step by step, easy to understand modules.
  • Allowing you to not feel overwhelmed, understand the content and therefore educate your clients about treating the cause of their acne.
  • 8 strategically designed modules, teaching you everything you need to know in your practice to treat the cause of acne - gut, hormones, liver, nervous and lymphatic system.
  • Actionable practical advice: Each module has actionable steps for you to put into practice straight away, allowing you to see  ADVANCED Acne to g l o w® results. 
  • As skin professionals, we understand that time is your most valuable resource, which is why our course is designed to help you achieve maximum results in your clinic with minimal hours training. 
  • Expert guidance: You will have access to me and my professional team, via our FB community group, where I will answer your acne related questions. 

Frequently Asked Questions